Flower Vine Scentsy Warmer


Flower Vine Scentsy Warmer brings nature indoors with its dramatic design. Transform any space with this stunning accessory.

Petal pink perfection says it all for the Flower Vine Scentsy Warmer. The soft pastel is like a breath of fresh air, even more so when Scentsy fragrances are added. Approved by grandmas, aunts, moms, best friends, brides, grads and sisters — share this charming Scentsy as a gift.

Just in time for Spring, Scentsy’s Flower Vine Warmer shows off a brand-new petal pink look, frankly feminine and ready for the sweetest Scentsy fragrances. Daisies intertwine in a carpet of spring splendor, casting a pearly pink light when the warmer is lit. Perfect for gifting mom or the bride.

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